Last Thursday, Brooklyn rock quartet The Click Clack Boom (pictured) made a special appearance at The Box as part of a fundraiser for aerial arts based emerging film, “Taxiplasm”. A silent auction featuring a variety of local talents’ artwork, including The Click Clack Boom’s very own Joseph Wolf Grazi, served as visual accompaniment to the equally varied musical acts. Following the indie rockers, female vocal troupe Hydra hit the stage, singing Russian folk songs mostly a capella with impeccable flair and precision. Taking a break from musical performances, an aerial demonstration stimulated the senses before the headliner’s Mystical Weapons – an improvisational project headlined by Sean Lennon.” Together with drummer Greg Saunier Sean hypnotized the crowd with strobe lights and avant garde electro-jams, comprised of buzzes, beeps, and whirs emanating from unidentified electronic devices, bass/guitar distortions, and eruptions of spastic drums. The evening was a unique collaboration of artists and a rare opportunity that was a privilege to experience. Catch The Click Clack Boom next at Santo’s Party House on Tuesday, June 19 for the Reverbnation New Music Seminar Showcase (Free admission!). – Meijin Bruttomesso