Serengeti “Talk To Me”

I can’t think of a time in Serengeti’s career when he has been more prolific than in 2012 and we are only half way through the year. His latest project is a wonderful, hard-hitting, and well-produced new LP called C.A.R. The album was produced by the legendary Jel & Odd Nosdam, and will be released by Anticon on July 31st. I’ve been listening to the album for the last month, and it stands in sharp contrast to his previous two releases this year. C.A.R. takes a much more political stance at times then the fun-loving Kenny Dennis Ep, and plays it a little more close to the traditional hip hop roots that Serengeti’s work with s/s/s.

C.A.R. is perhaps Serengeti’s strongest effort to date and that is exemplified in the albums new single "Talk To Me".