Eidolons‘ latest little gem ‘China‘ is an elcectic set of takes on folk, denser, sometimes louder, served with much higher energy than their previous records. The quarted switches at ease from light-hearted and skippy (Yellow Wallpaper) to hypnotic instrumental tracks (China) to catchy indie-rock bits (Denver Wrecks My Nerves), etc…There’s a lot going on in these then tracks. All are carefully de-structured, discordant, often articulating two or more distinct patterns, most being teased by Dan Byers’ soft voice that skips and wraps around the melodies as it pleases. Despite the complexity of certain arrangements, it’s a most comforting album, heartwarming in many different ways, which for whatever reason, was not exactly what I was expecting from the cover art; but you know, books, covers…Back in Portland after a tour promoting ‘China’, Eidolons will be playing at the Ella Street Social Club on Thursday, then at Kelly’s Olympian on the 28th.- Tracy Mamoun