There’s something touching about the quiet voice of concern that Birthmark gives to the people he meets. Like the intimate chamber/electronic music of Destroyer or Jeremy Enigk, singer/songwriter Nate Kinsella uses random materials (whether these be drum machines or pizzicato violins) to pull something deeply personal out of otherwise far-flung genres. Whether the towering tribute of ‘Big Man’ or the mysterious source of inspiration in ‘You lighten me up,’ his latest LP ‘Antibodies’ digs deeply into the human condition. Birthmark pulls inspiration from unlikely places, repeating this sentiment over either baroque oboes and after-hours electronics alike.
In a desperate world filled with all manner of overlapping human and musical families, Birthmark designs a universe where both of these can live together. Handling his subjects in a delicate manner, one story at a time. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)