In case you didn’t realize it yet, the music industry is rapidly marching from the home recording revolution to the home made music video making one – it is truly amazing what indie directors can do these days for indie bands with tiny budgets. We covered avant-dream-pop Brooklyn duo Shy Hunters back in March, and with this video of the song "Time Bomb" they are now giving us another good excuse to write about them The song itself is pretty impressive: its complex melodic structure is made accessible by a clean and jumpy drum patter, and by singer Indigo Street’s gorgeous vocals, while brooding, distorted and repetitive guitar riffs (somehow reminiscent of early King Krimson) flood the sonic background. This is not a band for everybody, but those who like us enjoy intensity should keep an ear on them. Shy Hunters will be playing Glasslands on August 9. –Time Bomb was added to our SoundCloud playlist of emerging NYC artists here.