Album Review: Arc in Round – Arc in Round

Following the release of their two EPs, 2010’s Diagonal Fields and 2011’s II, Arc in Round, the brainchild of producer/engineer extraordinaire Jeff Ziegler, has finally released a self-titled full-length album via La Société Expéditionnaire.
With “II,” Matt Ricchini’s drums kick in the door of the LP’s opener – almost immediately the layering of sound begins to take shape as the bass and percussion build an intense forward thrust while the vocals provide a cool calming force counterbalancing the speed of the initial instrumentation. The following track “One-sided” uses similar steady rolling rhythms; however, the overall feel is much more controlled. Its airy, naturally soothing vocals provide a carefree atmosphere even as the lyrics stir the pot. “Did you talk about it? Or did you keep shit to yourself?” Even amid the pop-backdrop, the combination of thudding bass and multifaceted keyboard work keeps things interesting. “Volume Sets All the Time” is an enjoyable mix of spaced-out musicality and Edwards’ definitive vocals. Distorted screaming guitar pushes toward the edges as continuously pumping drums snap in time breaking through the futuristic chaos, which continues into the next song and the album’s featured single “Hallowed.” The track is easily the highlight of the record for me with its dark, sinister ambience – something that I hope the band continues to explore in later works. Towards the end of the LP, “For Concern” generates steam as the various instruments relay the lead, from the menacing keyboards, to cyclical drums, and then guitar, which sears to the forefront. When Edwards’ vocals take their turn in the front seat it’s as though the music is planning its next move as the song scales along the various elements seemingly playing tag, yet combining forces to reach a powerful synergy.
In thiseponymous album, the band continues its journey creating space-age music that may sound chaotic at first. However, as the layers build, underlining harmonies emerge pulling you in and out of a dream-like state. Shall I say that you shouldn’t sleep on this LP? The record is currently available on limited edition white vinyl with exclusive remixes by Lymbyc Systym and Our Brother the Native, which you can purchase HERE. – Michael Colavita