For those of you sick of being lazy at the beach and ready for some epic jams to get you back in the swing of things, look no further than post-rock ensemble Industries of the Blind. Lifting off to planets only visible to bands like Mogwai or Sigur Ros, the instrumental nine-piece includes three guitarists, an industrious drummer, and two very hard-working violinists. This is a band that starts at 10 and keeps hashing out an idea until it clears your skull of all misgivings. And with song titles like "The Lights weren’t that bright, but our eyes were so tired," who needs lyrics anyway? Check the band out when they play The Deli’s Post Rock/Orchestral CMJ stage at The Living Room on 10.17 with You Bred Raptors? Cuddle Magic, Doe Paoro, Friend Roulette and a few more. The full list of Deli CMJ shows will be announced towards the end of September. – Mike Levine (@goldnuggets)