As a fan of Sad Companion, I’ve come to expect a couple things from the band’s frontmen,cellist/experimental songwriter Christopher Hoffman. Namely: a cello, a good song, and some experiments. While you’ll find these elements in the Brooklynite’s first solo venture, what you won’t find are any flirtations with the pop format. The pieces from ‘Induction’ exist in a world of their own. Built from drum and string loops and wound together tightly by unearthly vocals, these tunes might reminded at times of the uneasy hysterics of Kid A. But rest assured, Hoffman’s an artist firmly in control of his abilities. If the amazing child in full KiSS makeup on the album’s cover doesn’t convince you, the evocative cello solos certainly will. Check the record out and see him live when he plays Roulette on November 23rd and 24th. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)