Locals Rosetta will be helping Fight Amp celebrate their new release Birth Control at The Barbary tonight. Rosetta, an intricate, alluring hybrid of metalcore, sludge, doom and gossamer space-rock, are humble dudes with an incomparable sound. I’ve taken to avoiding "epic" as a descriptor as much as humanly possible, but sometimes you are bludgeoned with a ten-minute leviathan like "The Determinism of Morality" or "TMA-3," and few other adjectives will get the job done. Rosetta are always cerebral (self-labeled “DIY nerds”), but never tedious, with crunching riffs and soaring atmospherics in abundance. A look at their social media reveals an onslaught of ecstatic fans proclaiming their devotion (with one going so far as to say that they’ve filled the Isis-shaped void in her heart), whether they’re playing shows or not. Coming at you from a different end of the spectrum are Ape!, grunge-loving stoner metalheads with a fondness for guitar acrobatics, Dridge, a New York sludge/drone outfit with sepulchral odes given joyous titles like "Black Vomit," and finally Fight Amp, one of New Jersey’s most beloved post-hardcore enthusiasts, bringing the sound of classic 90s to close out the night. The Barbary, 951 Frankford Ave., 6pm, $10, All Ages – Alyssa Greenberg