Emily Logan is at the helm of Portland based wonder Urban Wildlife and she steers quite a ship. Flawlessly navigating through multiple instruments, harmonic layers and subtle effects, Logan stays on course. That course is a smooth folk sound that never gets stale. Perhaps more impressive than her continually fresh sound, Logan manages to always remain fluent in emotional undertones without being weighty or bleak. The end result will be presented at the Secret Society this Friday night as Urban Wildlife celebrates the release of their self titled album. Patrons that evening will also be enchanted by the talented Anna and The Underbelly, who is perhaps one of my personal favorite gems in the Portland folk scene. She is always engaging and never precious, a difficult task that she pulls off with charm. Rounding out this impressive bill will be Cait Olds. Her album Prison Town is heartbreakingly beautiful and haunting, just like an old prison town tends to be. This Friday at 8:30 pm the doors will open and only $5 will get you into all the magic. – Joy Pearson