I’ll be the first to admit that I’m as infatuated with shoegaze as any skinny-black-jeans-wearing-hipster out there, but it’s refreshing when a band incorporates other elements into the genre instead of just serving straight up 90’s nostalgia. Brooklyn’s Cool Serbia has the sound of a psych rock band, but digs a little deeper into music history, pulling out qualities of the bubbly pop of the 60’s. The first track off of their self-titled EP “Dream Lover” sounds like a (dirty) surfer doo-wop number, until in the chorus heavy doses of noise and feedback bring out the blokes’ shoegazer soul in full display. Their track “Kill Yourself” is much more straight shoegaze, keeping their pop influence to catchy guitars and tambourines. They only just released their debut EP this past March, and they’re already gaining some heat, opening for Andrew WK a couple of weeks ago at Kent Ave. We expect to be seeing more from these guys. – Lucille Sherman
This track was added to our SoundCloud playlist of emerging NYC artists here.