An over 40-year-old West Philly tradition returns as the annual Clark Park Music and Arts Festival happens today. And after helping with it for the past couple of years, Cloud Entertainment officially steps in as the curator of this event, which features plenty of kids activities, art vendors, and local bands. Southwork return from a mini Ohio tour to step into the headlining position, and The Fleeting Ends tantalize the masses with their smooth pop-rock tunes. Time Hitler and the Assholes From Space step out of the studio to perform their lo-fi psych shoegaze explosion. And Thee, Idea Man should be previewing new tracks like their upcoming single “Help Me Mama.” Add in sets from The Districts, Black Stars, Seismic Thrust, and more, and you have a great way to give summer one final hurrah. Clark Park, 43rd St. & Chester Ave., 12pm, Free, All Ages – Bill McThrill