Shoegazer’s light fm are ready to dazzle our ears once again with the release of their fifth studio album, ‘Voices in My Head.’ Filled to the brim with crisp sound design, it has the feel of 80s experimentation met with the bite of a true modern rock record. Josiah Mazzaschi, the brain child behind the band, is at the top of his songwriting game. We are streaming the title track below in advance of their record release show next Friday, Oct. 18. The relentless, driving bass bellowing beneath the ominously dissonant synthscape create the sense of madness surrounding the song’s hook. This psychizophrenic feeling becomes further cemented during the instrumentation after the bridge, where a beautiful cacophony of swirling, buzzing, arpeggiating synths and an impeccably mixed rhythm section nod to their 80s predecessors as you are driven deeper into the recesses of the mind of a lover forlorn. light fm’s technical prowess plays a big part in their appeal, but their true success is in their ability to craft a proper pop song without you noticing. Hear the new songs live October 18 at Complex. – Jacqueline Caruso