Dreambook Opening for Break It Up at KFN Oct. 18

After releasing their first, full-length album, Only Shadows, earlier this year, Dreambook is back this evening at Kung Fu Necktie. Their sound is a lo-fi shoegaze, but within the fuzzed-out guitar and distorted vocals lays a heavy-handed drum. This mix of obscured and distinct sounds gives the music an almost ominous feel. Listeners must push through the forceful drum to get to the band’s thoughtful lyrics, making their impact even more satisfying. They open for indie-pop/rock trio Break It Up. Over the summer, the band released an eponymous LP full of fun and infectious tunes. While their music comes off as innocuous yet driving power-pop, it’s their lyrics that really pack a punch. Both bands are more than what they seem, making the live stage a perfect place to discover their distinct sounds. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., 8pm, $10, 21+- Shaylin O’Connell