If the idea of sleek, dance-inducing synth-pop is on your radar, head to Johnny Brenda’s tonight for A Work Drugs Christmas Spectacle. Work Drugs have a soothing alluring tone as if the whispered vocals are secrets shared between close acquaintances. The synth/percussion/bass union generates subtle calculated grooves that garner appreciation for the shifts and changes throughout a song. The music envelops you in an intimately intense yet cozy dancing haze – one that you may want to embrace for the evening. Tonight also marks a rare opportunity to catch the delightfully eccentric open-book, pop stylings of The City and Horses. Kicking the night off will be Teen Men, an intriguing project that looks to explore the interaction between multiple mediums using video projections throughout the performance. The group includes Nick Krill and Joe Dobson of the Spinto Band as well as photographer Catherine Maloney and local filmmaker Albert Birney. Johnny Brenda’s, 1201 N. Frankford Ave., 9pm, $12, 21+ – Michael Colavita