Few rock albums have been at once as daring and fun as Devo’s debut "Q: Are We Not Men?" and we are always ecstatic when we hear exciting new local music referencing the band that managed to make Ohio glamorous (at least for a year or two). The NYC scene doesn’t need any more glamor, but it sure can use a record like Future Punx‘s new EP "I’m So Inspired." The record represents a rather drastic change for the band: compared to their previous, more experimental and droney releases, more attention was shifted towards arrangements, melody and structure, i.e. production. On our favorite track "Plus Side," a web of funky guitars and farfisas creates an intriguing post-punk setting, letting singer Chris Pickering’s deadpan tenor tie together the various elements with a few well picked notes. Opener "I’m so inspired" and third track "Forgive the Doubt" confirm the flirtations with both the post punk of the early ’80s and funk music, with the latter providing the most memorable chorus of the EP. Closing track "See You in the Future" doubles the fun with keyboard madness, teutonic angularity and bizarre call and response vocals reminiscent of early The Stranglers – another stellar band of the ’80s that’s criminally under-referenced in today’s pervasive ’80s revival. Thank you Future Punx, this was a nice Christmas present! – Photo by Josefina Lagos