How does one describe the beautiful artistry of Power Animal? The music hits a listener from a variety of angles at once. However, this sonic exposure isn’t a smash-and-grab attack. It’s a pensively organic collection of textures, serving as a catalyst to rejuvenation, wiping the slate clean, and starting anew. The freeing tones are inherently light and energetic, generating a head-bobbing sway, while still retaining a depth that captures you at the core. Tonight, Power Animal, a.k.a. Keith Hampson, is part of a lineup at Little Berlin that also includes the delicate daydreaming pop of Sam Tremble & Allison Lorenzen, a.k.a. Slow Dance. Introspective minimalist rocking Vermont transports Hello Shark draw you in close, fleshing out personal narratives that are part stream of consciousness diary-inflected tales. Chicago’s Lala Lala rounds out the bill with their spin on haunting bare bones grunge. Little Berlin, 2430 Coral St., 7pm, $7 Donation, All Ages (Photo by Mac Whalen) – Michael Colavita