Mischief Brew may be the only punk band out there that incorporates a fiddle, a vibraharp, a timbale and the occasional piece of scrap metal or wood. Not to say they should be classified as simply punk. When Erik Peterson confined himself to a Philadelphia basement with nothing but a couple of instruments and a four-track, he began a project that has incorporated punk, folk, swing and true protest music. Since those basement days in 2000, Mischief Brew have released a multitude of recordings, and will be celebrating their newest this Friday with an afternoon (all ages)/evening doubleheader of shows at South Philly’s Boot & Saddle. The full-length, "This Is Not For Children,” released by Alternative Tentacles Records, keeps up with the band’s themes of social protest, talking on labor rights and gentrification, as well as the simple joys like underage drinking. Mishief Brew has been known to ask audience members to help out on instruments or back-up vocals, so be ready to jump in. Boot and Saddle, 1131 S. Broad St., 3pm/8pm, $12-$20, All Ages/21+ – Emily DiCiccio