Every August, droves of Philly college students flood Benjamin Franklin Parkway for performances from some of the music industry’s most prominent hip-hop and indie-rock names at the Made In America Festival. While MIA definitely fills its purpose in providing a large-scale, corporate-up-the-wazoo exhibition in music industry gluttony (alongside some really solid acts, I acquiesce), this event is not what the locals would call a representation of our city’s unique DIY culture. Philadelphia, which is brimming with young underground talent, will be celebrating the 8-bit/chiptune community for the next three days with 8static Fest, which is in its 3rd year and is being held once again at the First Unitarian Church, featuring artists such as Cheap Dinosaurs, nml styl, random, Marshall Art, Storm Blooper, NO CARRIER, Ultrasyd, Bit Shifter, Inverse Phase, Mail Order Monsters and ohhinaifu. (You can check out the entire schedule HERE.) The annual event has certainly compiled an international lineup that demonstrates the nuanced differences of the chiptune genres in all of its chaotic, electro-psych computer music glory. First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St., 6pm (All Three Days), $20 per night/$50 for all three nights, All Ages – Blake Oetting