Pretty Odd is a pretty fitting name for the Mississauga based 5-piece alternative rock band, and they just released their impressive latest album, The Drab. “The Drab” really encapsulates with catchy drum beats, mellow psychedelic guitar riffs and smooth vocals, but pushes the band into more of an experimental rock sound. Pretty Odd loves to change groove and time, which takes a lot of talent, and keeps a first time listener on the edge of their seat. Vocal heavy songs like Stood in Waves show off and emphasise the clever songwriting without coming off as pretentious. The diversity in the album’s sound listening through almost feels like listening to more than just one band – after a couple songs, I had to check to make sure I was still listening to the same artist. Overall, The Drab is a unique experience that sucks you in and keeps you there until the end of the album. I can’t recommend this enough to anybody looking for a new sound that combines a whole range of alternative genres. Keep an eye on Pretty Odd, because they’re only going up from here. Check them out with fellow Deli band Denim Skeletons, Nov 27 at Clarke Memorial Hall in Mississauga.
Mike B