A folksy, echoing, psychedelic ambiance persists as one dives into the abyss better known as the sonic waves of Trish Keenan Duo. While the layers envelop a somewhat eerie, meditative state, the music constructs itself. Not so distant vibrations shake off the baggage of the everyday, allowing the internal speculations to temporarily rise to the surface as they seek illumination. The multi-faceted, electro-noise pop combination of Flesh Prince and the rich elusive instrumental tunes of R.R. Perkins help to mold this evening at W/N W/N. With a freshly released album Trix Shadow Yogurt, the industrial experimentation of Baltimore’s Kryz Kniv completes this lineup of sonic manipulators. W/N W/N, 931 Spring Garden St., 8pm, All Ages – Michael Colavita