Now, with the return of Blink-182 and a slew of other acts before them, no one can deny that the resurgence of pop-punk/emo is real. Whether it’s your bag or not, it’s hard to ignore a generation of new bands who are impressively paying homage to their forefathers. One that is proudly keeping the angst and disillusionment of youth alive is our most recent Feature Artist(s) Poll Winner – Final Showcase. The four-piece has been steadily building on their repertoire that was once made up of an “obscene amount of Blink-182” covers, but with the release of their latest EP The Greatest Band You Never Heard Of and the solidification of a new drummer in Brian Lang, Sean Flanagan, Ben Harkins, and Joe Adams sound ready for the next phase of the band’s evolution. However, take a moment to learn a little more about the group’s origins and its members HERE.