Exmazed brings dreamy industrial to Shea Stadium on 12.01

Integrating musical genres that have little in common is always a fun experiment, and NYC’s male/femal duo Exmazed, with their blend of industrial rock and dream pop, seem to be up to something. Their only single currently available for streaming combines clangy, mechanical and anguishing arrangements with sampled shrieks of distorted guitar feedback and ethereal female vocals. The latter add an enjoyable melodic element to the bleak musical background, but very little solace, conjuring up an atmosphere that’s as sci-fi as it is nightmarish – something that would work perfectly as a soundtrack for a movie like Blade Runner, or – say – NYC post-November 8, 2016. Exmazed will be performing at Alphaville on December 1st, opening for Au Revoir Simone’s Annie Hart. The nightmarish future has arrived, we may as well embrace it and celebrate it! On the bill also another female fronted, local electronic band called Noia, they are worth checking out.