Give Thanks to the Freaksgiving Bash

The holiday season can be a string of joyous occasions sprinkled with gifts and seasonal flavored drinks. Most of the time, it’s quite the opposite, where only terrible times are had when you’re forced to deal with people you have no interest in spending time with. Fall and winter festivities always mark the approaching end of the year and while 99% of us are ready for 2016 to be all sorts of over, let’s spend one of the more fatty holidays of the year with some freaks.

Noisey instrumentals will come at you from all directions during the Freaksgiving Bash this Wednesday, where enjoyably mesmerizing solo acts Consumer and Dolphin Midwives will join experimental duo Gooo and Baronic Wall‘s space pop as they play the space at Turn Turn Turn. It’ll be a fairly unconventional way to kick off a day of gluttonous mouth stuffing, but it’ll be a bomb bash nonetheless. 

It’s 21+ and starts at 8pm.