Welles kicks off summer tour at Mercury Lounge tonight (04.09)

New York’s alt-folk powerhouse Welles has delivered again with his new single, "Seventeen." It’s at once easy listening and a foreboding portrait of a young person’s foray into intimacy. Welles paints a first-person picture of someone who’s contemplating whether or not a hook-up will have deleterious effects on the other person’s psyche, while also acknowledging the lust that seems to have overtaken the narrator. "It’s cold in the water/I wonder if I should bother/When she gets old it’ll haunt her/I’m here tonight and I want her/I’m here tonight and I got her." It’s a balladic pop song at its core, with an eminently singable hook ("Seventeen/So unclean"), yet a darkness lines the song’s edges. Welles kicks off a U.S. summer tour at Mercury Lounge on April 9th, with Wild Moon. Listen to "Seventeen" below! – Ethan Ames