This past weekend was Veterans’ Day, and The Deli Nashville just so happened to get the perfect track in our inbox to feature in honor of that. Singer-songwriter and Navy veteran Jared Ashley put out a music video for "Cherrybend", a new song from his upcoming album. The song’s title comes from Operation Cherrybend, an annual event in Wilmington, OH that seeks to spread awareness about veterans’ issues. "Cherrybend" follows in that operation’s footsteps; in the music video, Ashley highlights that 22 veterans commit suicide every day. He wrote the song and acts in the music video as a tribute to one such veteran, Jeffery “Ozzy” Otzwik, with whom Ashley served in the Navy. Ashley hopes that with the song and the video, people might start to understand the issues that veterans face, and help create spaces for them to relax, unwind, and get the support they need. You can watch the video for "Cherrybend" below. (And of course, The Deli Nashville thanks Ashley for his service.) – Will Sisskind