The enthusiastic singing of Boston’s EJ Carey hooks you ten seconds into her new single "Rising Tides, Crashing Skies." As the charming acoustic guitar overture makes way for the song’s lush harmonies, Carey ramps up the vocal intensity to deliver a powerful message in the chorus: a declaration of emancipation from a toxic relationship. EJ puts a piece of her heart in every lyric, allowing the vibrant red passion of her words to carry the song beside dynamic drums and gushing electric guitar embellishments. The pop-rock genre that EJ embraces is tailored for today’s chart-topping-music scouts, and the tinge of country helps too. It is the artist’s honesty that shines through and engages the listener for an experience that is a textbook example of music’s absorbing power. EJ Carey recently completed several gigs throughout Massachusetts, the last of which was in Winthrop. A new album is in the works, and we are excited about that. Streaming below is the singer-songwriter’s new single, enjoy! – Rene Cobar