Mending “Chapter 09: Christopher at The End”

Over the last two year Mending, Kate Adams and Joshua Dumas, has told a story that spans decades through their beautiful blend of folk and drone. This week they released the final installment in the nine part series, “Christopher at The End”.

Here is the brief overview of where the story is as it ends. In year 39-40, safe among family and friends in his home, six-year-old Christopher tries to make sense of his rapidly changing world. But unmitigated climate change with increasingly volatile weather, and a militarized authoritarian government threaten the sanctity of Wakerobin Hollow. This chapter, told entirely through the eyes of this young child, filtered and abstracted by his naïveté, joy, and fear, brings us to the conclusion of Book 001.

You can catch Mending opening for Dried Spiders at Middle Brow Bungalow on Dec 29 for free.