Wsabi Fox’s “Flamingo” is a haunting, choreographed affair

Brooklyn-based performance artist and musician Wsabi Fox may have dropped the video for “Flamingo” a few months ago, but it’s lurid, captivating visuals have a way of remaining with the viewer long far longer than its five minute run time. A dance between Ruben Sindo Acosta and Wsabi Fox bandleader Jennae Santos, dramatically captured amidst flashing lights and alternating day-night shots, lends a compelling aesthetic to the band’s stumbling, synth-friendly prog rock; it’s final image of Santos, lying motionless on the floor, as Acosta is seemingly recedes into the darkness, leaves onlookers with a haunting mise en scene. It’s a taste of the type of poignant performance Wsabi Fox will bring to C’mon Everybody on January 23rd — watch it below. —Connor Beckett McInerney