Very Fresh releases ‘Hey, It’s Me!’ EP at Shea Stadium on 11.13

Cindy Lou Gooden, aka Very Fresh, is a quirky and multi-faceted talent. She spent the last year recording on Ava Luna’s last album, touring with Kino Kimino (Sonic Youth) and Leapling on bass, and prior to that, forming the all-female Pavement cover band, Babement, with Speedy Ortiz’s Sadie Dupuis. She also worked on her third EP to date, ‘Hey, it’s Me!,’ which reveals a songwriter drawn in many directions. Opening track ‘California Low,’ with its whispered beginning, soon exploding into a ’90s influenced guitar-pop chorus, only to settle again into a mellow bridge, sums up well what comes next – although this track is pretty darn out there. Our favorite song here is ‘Schedule IV’ (streaming), which develops in more linear ways, revealing Cindy’s melodic talent and her remarkable voice. Don’t miss her EP release show at Shea Stadium on 11.13.