Max Fite share video for “The Devil in Me”, new EP out now

Upcoming L.A. rock group Max Fite has recently released a new EP called Shake It On Down. Lead singer and guitarist Max Fitelson paints a beautiful, visual picture on the video for “Devil In Me”, a single off of the new album. The song opens with Fitelson emerging from a shipwrecked boat on the beach with a woman walking along the shore. Devil In Me has an amazing rock ballad, similar to that of The Killers or Gaslight Anthem. With beautiful guitar solos to back up Fitelson’s imaginary lyrics, this lively rock group creates a scene of incredible yearning for something that is no longer there, the innocence of childhood: “Then we get to grow up old, learn about the worlds disease. They said gods with you, he’s no where to be seen.”

If you missed out on their release party, don’t fret! They will be playing at The Viper Room on December 5th, or pick up Shake Me On Down from iTunes. – Kayla Hay