Embrace the Ethereal Capacity of Dulls at Ortlieb’s Sept. 11

A muggy yet enticing psych haze draws one toward the dream-like state that is Dulls. Then, as your about to drift into the sonic waters, a tumultuous typhoon appears, smacking you into shoegazing submission. Increasing gradually, the force of the storm becomes more evident, but once you’re in its volatile center, there’s no need to retreat. Embrace the ethereal capacity of searing guitars, incoming percussions and enchanting vocals. Tonight at Ortlieb’s, they’ll be paired with the drifting, ambient, time-warping tones of The Stargazer Lillies, the tempered, magnetic, enclosing harmony of The Lulls, and the cloud-exploring expanses of Tessellations. Ortlieb’s, 847 N. Third St., 8pm, $10, 21+ – Michael Colavita