Busy Bee Abuzz at Tralfamadore Aug. 20

Arcadia student Deb Gilmore, a.k.a. Busy Bee, negotiates intriguing lyrical hikes. Instrumentally led by peacefully calm, acoustic guitar/mandolin, which can make round about moves, changing course in short order after establishing the presumed line, Gilmore makes unique narrative decisions, mixing metaphors in a playful manner, while still engaging in the inherently personal folk spectrum. That ability to cut an image or thought down to its essence or conversely cast an uncommon means of comparison gives her songs a familiar yet refreshing point of view. With a knack for gathering and harnessing emotive momentum that spills forward in an energetic release, Past Life enters the fray at Tralfamadore. The sultry yet haunting vocals of Kelsey Cork and the eerie, ambient experimentions of Gravers Lane aid in shaping this evening’s billing, which is completed by Brooklyn quartet The Rizzos. Tralfamadore (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.), 7:30pm, $6, All Ages – Michael Colavita