Video Daughters bring their powerful Noise-Garage to Shea Stadium 8/30

Melodic cacophony is one of those grinding paradoxes that I’m hesitant to even entertain, but it’s the most apt description we found when trying to put into words Brooklyn-based band, Video Daughter‘s music. Throughout their eponymous titled EP, the self-proclaimed "avant-garage" rockers deliver a new-york-punk sensibility engulfed by an inferno of noise. Despite the bludgeoning force that comes out of the album, the band never ceases to forge a strong melodic presence, even when their songs are lead by march-like percussion ("La Petite Mort"), or border on manic ("Nunu"). If you’re interested in listening to tunes with a fierce sonic bite, check out the link below and see Video Daughters play Shea Stadium on 8/30 with the Yin Yangs and Rathaus– Olivia Sisinni