Aüva release debut video for ‘Better’, to play O’Brien’s on 8/13

Bummed that summer is slowly dwindling down before our eyes?  Join the club. Luckily there’s bands like Boston’s own Aüva, whose dreamy surf-pop sound reminds us that we still can make the most of August. Their latest video for "Better," the bands first ever video, positions the band’s two vocalists, tongue-in-cheek, as a pair of exes. The male vocalist is despondent, smashing bottles and wallowing in self-pity. The female one on the other hand has moved on, and started anew with another male suitor. It’s a funny, cute take on that whole "Mr. Brightside" catergory of songs, and it reflects the lightness of the track’s nature well — which jams by the way. Aüva are releasing a new LP in a few days, and you can check them out live when they play O"Brien’s on 8/13.

We discovered Aüva through our submissions page. If your a band that’s looking to get checked out, you can send us some tunes here. – Henry Solotaroff-Webber