Patrick Kinsley & a Fistfull of Dollars, “Back in Illinois”

We’re kicking off this week by digging into this new single (released June 5th ) by songwriter Patrick Kinsley and his band Fistful of Dollars. His debut track, "Back in Illinois" from his upcoming album "For a Thousand Miles" threw us for a loop; our lizard brains had already formed its opinion of what a country-leaning musician outta Nashville was going to sound like, so we were not prepared to catch echoes of Patterson Hood and Jay Farrar in this ode to the lonesome life of a truck-driving man.  Kinsley also comes across as refreshingly self-effacing, with the first line of his bio reading "Patrick Kinsley is a pretty lousy guitar player and sings just well enough to carry a tune." Even if this were true, Kinsley can pen a pretty compelling tune, and we love anything with some slide guitar. There is a video currently in the works, so keep checking for updates!