Artist of the Month Nominee Highlight: Taylor and the Wild Now Bring a New, Matured Sound on “Salt”

Our current poll for Artist of the Month is in full swing, and that means it’s time to get familiar with the nominees y’all! This go around, we’re talkin’ Taylor and the Wild Now, who sent a summer firework of a song up into the Austin air early this month, and who have been playing a ton of shows and appearances since to show this gorgeous new thing off.

A deep, sensual baseline and some island-soaked guitar are the unusual and welcome framework for the new pop-dubby track “Salt” by Taylor and the Wild Now, a crew known for their approachable indie sound with a roots bent that sometimes wanders into territory that may or may not be a step or two past the country music border (depending on where you personally mark it). This most recent track from the group after last year’s promising self-titled EP, which hinted of good oddness to come from Taylor et al., “Salt” is a move away from the more heavily country/folk-influenced sound and toward something all their own, and it’s a move which sees them only growing as a truly unique (a quality that is pretty rare) and enjoyable feature in the Austin indie scene. Taylor might well (though almost certainly isn’t) be singing the chorus of “Salt” to those afraid to leave the beach of genre and swim out into that deep place where the currents of different sounds mix together into something new when she croons, “I don’t even care what you say/It’s gonna happen anyway.”

And goddamn are we glad it’s happening, if by it we’re referring to what’s going on in "Salt" musically. All elements are on their game in this track, including a bassline that gives the song both its structural background and its considerable, moonlit soul, plus remarkably inventive guitar work that is unbound by genre. That last is a strength that the group has built on since their EP, and the dynamic, unique flavor of the guitar here may just put The Wild Now in contention for most interesting guitar sound in town. Add to those remarkable bits of instrumentation some siren vocals from Taylor herself that are somethin’ to swoon for, and you’ve got one hell of a shimmering summer track.

The smooth, beach-at-night trance that “Salt” coaxes the listener into should, if there is any justice for artists in this universe, be what puts Taylor and the Wild Now on blogs and playlists worldwide, and on the map in a big way in the indie music scene in Austin and beyond. We wouldn’t be surprised if it lands them in some pretty high caliber gigs quite soon, especially if there is more of this experimentation-done-right to come from Taylor and the Wild Now (that is to say, tracks that only allow thoroughly vetted and chosen elements to make it in). Get up into this newness at yon Soundcloud player below, and follow these rising stars on Facebook to be the first to hear when Taylor and co bring us more beautiful music. Oh, and if you feel the itch to help this group on its way to deserved major recognition in this city, get to votin’ at the right side of the page.