Eskimeaux releases LP “O.K.” tonight (05.15) at Shea Stadium

The Deli has enjoyed following the prolific progression of Gabrille Smith’s sharp and intimate songwriting/arranging project, Eskimeaux. Over the years this songstress has gathered up hearts in butterfly nets with achingly insightful and narrative lyrics set into refreshingly inventive sounds and structures. Her newest record, “O.K.”, is a bit more smoothly produced, hyper, and traditionally written than her previous glo-fi records— fortunately, this transition hasn’t sacrificed the soul of the project. Along with new tunes, she’s brought some older favorites into the new soundscape. It’s great to hear “While you were breaking your neck trying to keep your head up, I was breaking my neck just to stick it out for you” again with some added punch, along with versions of "Everything You Love" and "The Thunder Answered Back". Nostalgia aside, we’re excited to give this record some time in our players and see which tracks will nuzzle their way into the repeat-button this time. Celebrate the release of "O.K." with Eskimeaux, Emily Reo, Free Cake for Every Creature, and other musicians in the lo-fi neighborhood tonight (May 15th) at Shea Stadium! – Leora Mandel