Show Alert: Dustin Sellers, Kelly Ruth and Kylie Rothfield at The Stone Fox 11.19

We highly recommend heading out to The Stone Fox tonight to catch this lineup: Kelly Ruth, Dustin Sellers and Kylie Rothfield. These three artists boast distinctly different styles, but when taking into account their healthy respect for classics, the evening comes together as a cohesive whole. We’re always tickled when there’s an underlying un-or-intentional theme. The show tonight starts at 8pm, and cover is $5.

Kelly Ruth channels a 1940’s-jazz-chanteuse-via-Jenny-Lewis in her indie-folk tunes. It’s always a question whether she will break out her upright bass during a show, but intelligent songwriting and poignant lyrics are never a variable.  Ruth recieved a ton of buzz around her interpretation of "Monster Mash," a video created to help promote epic Halloween party Monster Bash 2014, in which she sings really well and murders a few Nashville friends.

Dustin Sellers carries on the retro tradition of his other project The Magnolia Sons, hitting the stage with a group of American Bandstand-ready musicians. He the counters skinny ties and homages to soul greats with a hefty dose of folk and alternative to his music, ending up at an intersection of some unlikely roads that totally mesh thanks to his studied songwriting. Sellers is working on a second full-length album with a tenative December release date.

Kylie Rothfield interprets American blues in the school of Stevie Ray Vaghan with a Adele filter. The 22-year-old is already a salty road dog since her graduation from Boston’s Berklee College of Music, with a few national and one internatinoal tours already under her belt. She’s putting the finishing touches on a brand new single, but for right now we’re charmed by the walk she takes up and down the fretboard on her song "Cold in My Soul."