Jake Starr’s Tastes Good! You’ll want seconds.

 This is such a great week for DC music. So much for us to be thankful for. There is a cornucopia of music tumbling and pouring out of this city, and none of it more fulfilling than Jake Starr and the Delicious Fullness‘ new full length Tastes Good! 

When your family’s gathered together next week, and the tensions rise before dinner, break out the alcohol and drop the needle on this record (available on purple vinyl in the US, red or pink in Spain, white in Japan on Nov. 20th). Your grandparents will shake their hips and flail their arms, reliving their glory days at the Whiskey A Go-Go (who knew Grandma could move like that?). Your parents will ask you to pull out your stash and hot-box the sun-room. Your significant other will think your family’s the coolest. This album will baste you and broil you, mash you and boil you. Tastes Good! is a feast of freakbeat revival, and you’ll be in a food-coma before the turkey leaves the oven.

We get by by the Grace of Mod. Thank you, Jake Starr. Thank you. –Natan Press