YACHT release new EP Where Does This Disco?

Living in a world where technology rules and controls everything around us, I find it quite ironic to listen to an electronic band that pays homage to the vinyl roots most of us grew up to. Claire Evans and Jona Bechtolt of YACHT are slowly becoming Los Angeles’s future of music technology. Within their single, “Where is the Disco?”, Claire and Jona engraved their entire musical catalogue into the background of the song; however it is unplayable in the grand scheme of things, we are taught that music is more than an emotional thing, but is actually tangible. Something society is slowly losing grasp of – with so many ways to download music straight off the internet, we lose the simplicity of physically holding our media close to us. YACHT’s electronic abilities to extend the boundaries of how we see and hear music works like magic, creating a genre-defying concept that infiltrates every type of music. A satisfying twist to how we hear our music, rethinking the possibility of teaching an old dog new tricks; YACHTs utopian style of music has just set the bar that much higher. – Kayla Hay