Fable Cry, “Fancy Dancing”

File this one under "WTF?" and "YES." The first time we ever heard of Fable Cry was last night at 8 off 8th, when they we caught their set on the homestretch of the night. They set up and tore through their three songs with such gusto and conviction that we turned to our neighbor at the end of the set and said, "This kind of kicks ass." Which is not to say Fable Cry isn’t out there; they look like something Tim Burton coughed up, and sing like the villian’s bit in a vintage Disney movie. The band started out as brother/sister duo Zach and Kirstie Ferrin, and over four years morphed into the minature Trans Siberian Ochestra they are today. Per their behest to that evening’s crowd, we went home and checked out the video for "Fancy Dancing" that they had just released on October 24th. Clocking in at over six minutes and deploying enough ruffles and grease paint to outfit the cast of Sweeney Todd, its a rare glimpse into Fable Cry’s natural habitat. Warning: watching this video might suck you down the rabbit hole of their other material, and you might lose a good chunk of time to the band’s strange theatrics, including a video of a yeti and Poseidon playing chess. Fable Cry: bizarre, but we dig it. -Terra James-Jura