Recommended Show: Loser Cruiser at 1.21 Gigawatts Festival

Slacker meets surf rock on Loser Cruiser’s first single, "Girls Night".  The song features our favorite jangle-chorus effected guitar mastered by bands like Total Slacker and Diiv, something us Brooklynites have been mostly associating with dark bedroom pop vibes.  Yet the track faithfully follows a Beach Boys, surf-rock song structure; a welcome addition to the toned down slacker rock aesthetic.  Naturally, the only other release by the band is a cover of The Turtles’ Classic, "Happy Together."  Sometimes I forget that New York has always been planted on the beach, a trip that I’m sure you haven’t made enough times this summer (I know I haven’t).  Hit up Loser Cruiser at the third day of the 1.21 Gigawatts Festival tomorrow 1:45 PM.  -Jake Saunders