Weekly Feature: Twintapes co-headline The Deli’s Northside Electro Stage on 06.14 at Spike HIll

Brooklyn trio Twintapes doesn’t take the easy way out. Although their bread and butter is plush, danceable electro-pop, they perform sans laptops. And it’s clearly something they’re proud of — the lack of computers is one of the first things mentioned on their social pages. Performance-wise, this laptop-free commitment takes the form of a collaborative chain reaction: singer/frontman Pavel Rivera initiates sounds to all-analog synth player Landon Knoblock. From there, Benny Reiner adds rhythm with an electric/acoustic melded drum set. This unique DIY-electro approach has paid off. Twintapes celebrated the release of single and subsequent video “Everyday Chemical” (streaming) in mid-March.

LINKS: Read Corinne Bagish’s interview with Twintapes
EVENTS: Twintapes live at Spike Hill Hill with Leverage Models, Zula, Wolvves, Psychic Twin + more on 06.14