St. Johns Bizarre 5.10.14

Today officially kicks off street festival season around many parts of town, particularly with the 8th annual open air craft fair of St. Johns Bizarre. Taking place in front of the towering St. Johns Bridge, the day long event features local artists and activities for crafty folks and families, as well as an eclectic musical line-up representing many genres through local artists. This year’s bill boasts beautiful soul music from Ural Thomas and the Pain, fuzzy rock from Summer Cannibals, hip hop from Illmaculate, experimental pop from AAN, and modern Mexican composition from Edna Vasquez. Check out the full schedule for the Bizarre here

If that doesn’t have it covered for the whole family, throw in the puppet critters from Red Yarn and the Deep Woods Ramblers for the kiddos, and a PARADE, and we have a nice afternoon stroll. Also, it is entirely free, so just bring a smile and an umbrella. 
Brandy Crowe 

Feels Like Home Ep #38 Ural Thomas – "Pain Is The Name Of Your Game" from INTOTHEWOODS.TV on Vimeo.