Lily & The Parlour Tricks unveils “Requiem” video, announces full length + plays Bonnaroo

Rather unusually, indie rock Brooklyn collective Lily & The Parlour Tricks just premiered their new video for single "Requiem" on our favorite web source of biased information, the Wall Street Journal (it’s true, we read it to hurt ourselves). This instantly opens a gigantic can of political worms: tough questions must be asked, and we won’t shy away from them!

Are those "sexy" dance moves (first two seconds of the video in particular) appropriate for a publication that caters to an audience that predominantly shares a conflictual relationship with sex? (FYI, the band is famous for their "sinful" press pictures). Will the Journal lose some of the coveted Tea Party readership for premiering a video featuring music and images of young NYC hipsters, who very likely contributed to elect "the Devil" to the highest office, and almost certainly had all sorts of pre-marital – and probably also some version of homosexual – sex? And finally, can or should music unite left and right in today’s divisive political atmosphere? To quote The Cardigans: "Well I sure hope so. I really hope so. But I don’t think so." 

Are we being serious you ask? Not really.

This single will be featured in Lily & The Parlour Tricks’ upcoming album, to be released later this year. The band is scheduled to play Bonnaroo and Summer Fest in June.

P.S. In case you are wondering, those two links are meant to go to the same destination.