New, unapologetic Brooklyn bands: SLAVVE

When we first played "Pity Party" by SLAVVE – a new Brooklyn via Florida duo involving ex members of Surfer Blood and Weird Wives – our mind(s) traveled back in time to the days when Swiss trio The Young Gods was rocking our world with cascades of (sampled) electric guitars and and magnetic, desperately epic vocals. Even though these NYC punks (from what we can tell) don’t use electronics, the comparison kind of works, at least musically. SLAVVE is all in sonically and emotionally, and even though their music sounds like a violent storm, it still maintains a musicality that makes all this turbolent tension enjoyable. Their debut, self titled EP will be out in late June.

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best Punk/Guitar Rock songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!