Resurrected NYC band Dog Society announces third record ‘In The Shade’

Most bands could take a lesson from Dog Society: no matter how long you wait between records, it’s never too late to get back together and make a new album. After a 19 year hiatus, Dog Society in the next few days 2012 released a follow-up LP to their 1993 record ‘Test Your Own Eyes’ – which was released under Atlantic Record’s wing. ‘Emerge’ is a catchy, droning, jangly thing that puts the band right back where they belong: wIth buzzing mellotrons (‘Pink Sun’), epic rock (‘A Good Friend’) and meandering acoustic jams (‘Aleja’). Fans of the group will hear the Beatlesque harmonies the group got them used to, but the band isn’t stuck in a time capsule either. There are places here Dog Society has never gone before: like the psychedelic madness of ‘Spaceboots,’ or the Jovi-inspired anthem ‘Daymare.’ Listen to track ‘Salt’ below, and stay tuned for new record ‘In The Shade’ dropping later this year. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)

This band submitted their music for coverage here.