From The Deli’s Best of NYC 2013: After the Smoke

As far as new wave rappers go, most of the MCs who attempt to push the envelope end up getting lost in the mail bag. Musician / Designer / Developer After The Smoke (who recently relocated to NYC from FL, and made it at #43 in our 2013 poll for Emerging NYC Artists) might as well be FedEx. From the hoppin, bouncin, jumpin electro smooth beats to his characteristic buttery croon, ATS’ music is magnetic and visionary. Somewhere between Andre 3000 and Frank Ocean with a little Shabazz Palaces for flavor you’ll find ATS ironing out the wrinkles in his niche. His album Microwaves is a free download on right now. It will go great with that bowl you just packed. And when the smoke clears, you can listen again. – BrokeMc

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best Hip Hop songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!