Is Classic Rock kewl again? The Bushwick Hotel

We’ll be honest: we’ve always had mixed feelings about classic rock revival bands. The genre though is being redeemed by the fact that almost every new band we hear these days is heavily referencing music of the past: psych rock, folk, soul, grunge and 80s disco revivals are all pretty hot right now, while the surf one seems to to have gone out of flavor. Because of this, bands playing classic rock feel more honest – and almost forward looking – than the ones chasing the latest trends, in particular when, like The Bushwick Hotelthey are good at what they do and can play in uncompromisingly ripping fashion. If on top of that you also get a well produced, super-sexy black and white video (for single ‘Graffiti of the Young Man’s Mind,’ streamiing), all reservations are wiped out: may the head banging begin! Check out the band’s newly released seven track album here, which will awaken the David Bowie fan in you.